
The project is set to produce a number of deliverables which will be published on this page once completed. The implementation of Circular Economy in the Construction Sector in the Nordics requires discussion, knowledge and cooperation. The project has also collaborated in creating a joint Knowledge Center on the Nordic Sustainable Construction website. Do check it out!

Accelerate Circular Construction – Recommendations for Public Authorities

As a part of a transition to more sustainable, circularity is gaining more and more attention from the Nordic construction sectors. It requires, however, a redefinition of current working practices, thereby becoming a multifaceted challenge for the stakeholders throughout the whole value chain.
Public authorities at the local, national, and Nordic levels are well-positioned to support and lead the transition to circular construction through their broad spectrum of areas of responsibility. To aid that, this research aimed to produce a set of recommendations on how local and national public authorities and the Nordic Council of Ministers can impact circularity in the construction field through advocacy, guidance, and financing. To comprehensively present a Nordic market perspective on circularity, the differences and similarities between Nordic counties had to be addressed. Therefore, this report provides individual perspectives from five Nordic countries and, eventually, synthesizes these findings in the form of recommendations presented below. The recommendations considered three levels: local/​national level, Nordic cooperation, and Nordic advocacy in the EU. Published in September 2024, the full report is available on the Nordic Council of Ministers’ publishing platform.

Metrics for circularity

This report constitutes the final delivery of Work Package 3 in the Nordic Network for Circular Construction (NNCC) programme. The programme’s goal is to accelerate the implementation of circular economy practices in the Nordic construction sector. WP 3 aims to develop a joint Nordic monitoring model for circular construction. The present report summarises findings and conclusions from a two-year effort identifying and analysing indicators for circular construction. Stakeholders from the Nordic countries have been involved in discussing the feasibility and relevance of several hundred indicators. 11 indicators have been thoroughly analysed. A strategy for implementation of the new monitoring framework for circular construction is proposed. The full report is available on the Nordic Council of Ministers’ publishing platform.

An Invitation to Be Exceptional

A Narrative for the Nordic Baukultur.
The Nordic countries are known for successful societal transformations that have improved the quality of life. Our built environment has reflected these transformations until now. As we have entered the current multi-crisis era, our perception of the built environment must once again be transformed. This requires a cultural shift. In this report, we present a narrative for the Nordic Baukultur, a vision to push us forward. The full report is available on the Nordic Council of Ministers’ publishing platform.

Analysis of Barriers and Possibilities

A circular construction sector is one in which every part of the process of deciding, designing, and constructing new buildings is rethought to include exploiting the value of the materials already present in the built environment and ensure that the buildings designed and built today can maintain their value in the future, either as buildings, or in their constituent components. A report including an analysis of barriers and possibilities was published as a part of work package 2. The full report is available on the Nordic Council of Ministers’ publishing platform.

This report explores the current state of and framework conditions for the development of a circular construction sector in the Nordic countries, and through consultation with the construction value chain, it identifies barriers that limit the transition to and opportunities that could be exploited to support a more circular approach in the circular construction industry.  A main takeaway from the analysis of these barriers is that they are heavily interlinked. For example, lack of experience and knowledge within the sector stems from a lack of opportunity to gain that experience and knowledge, while that same lack of experience and knowledge means that it is difficult to commission projects with a circular focus. A comprehensive catalogue of these barriers, together with potential solutions, can be found in Chapter 7 of the report.

Report: Policies Enabling the Reuse of Construction Products in the Nordics

Nordic Sustainable Construction has – in collaboration with the consulting company Norion – published a report regarding potential for reusing construction materials in the Nordic countries. Key discoveries include the fact that policy frameworks together with other barriers results in a complexity that complicates the reuse of construction materials. However, we still see a window of opportunity that the Nordic countries could use to create a better foundation for reuse in the Nordic construction sector. Read the full report here.

During the course of the project we have actively participated in conversations in our joint market. Check out these points of view from some of our experts on Circular Economy in the Construction Sector in the Nordics:

Feasting on Circularity one Barrier at a Time, Blog post by Miisa Tähkänen, Green Building Council Finland.

The construction market has been buzzing about circularity for several years. This has led to successful pilot projects across the Nordics. However, mainstreaming circularity activities has been challenging. In a new report produced by WSP for the Nordic Network of Circular Construction, the barriers and possibilities of circular construction in the Nordics were analyzed in detail. Additionally, recommendations were given on how to best begin unraveling the linear system.

Over 400 Stakeholders gathered to Discuss how the Construction Sector can move Towards Sustainability and lower Carbon Footprint, News Article by Nordic Sustainable Construction.

Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2024 took place in Helsinki last week. The agenda was full of insightful presentations on carbon budgets for buildings, Nordic and EU Policy overviews for low carbon construction and market outlooks for carbon neutral construction from Denmark, Finland and Iceland.

Nordic Living Environments Reimagined – Towards a Nordic Narrative for Construction Culture, Blog post by Emma Harju, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland

The first edition of the Festival of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) gathered different stakeholders in Brussels on 9-12 June 2022. We at the Ministry of Education and Culture Finland and The Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux decided to make the most of it by organising an official side event, which invited participants to consider how the Nordic countries could interpret the values of the movement: beautiful, sustainable, together.

Kiertotalouden kolme mahdollistajaa, Expert article (FI) by Miisa Tähkänen, Green Building Council Finland

“Kiertotalous on ajattelutapa, jossa arvoa muodostetaan palveluista ja uudelleenkäytöstä. Kiertotalouden periaatteiden mukaisesti toimivaan liiketoimintaan kannattaa pyrkiä monseta syystä: se vähentää energiankulutusta ja päästöjä sekä pienentää tarvittavia raaka-ainemääriä ja syntyvän jätteen määrää. Näillä perusteilla kiertotalousasteen kasvattamisen luulisi olevan kaikkien suurien valtioiden ja yritysten agendalla.”