Joint Nordic Indicators for the Circular Economy of Construction
How can we measure the circular economy? Tuuli Kassi, Ethica Finland, wrote how a shared set of indicators among the Nordic countries can serve as a powerful tool to bolster commitment to implementing circular economy practices in the construction sector, offering a clearer picture of the industry’s advancements and fostering collaborative efforts towards sustainable goals. Read the whole article!
7.5.2024 Project Final Seminar, Online
Welcome! As the project draws towards its completion, we welcome you to hear and discuss the final deliverables and their impacts on the Nordic construction markets. The deliverables include an Analysis on Barriers and Possibilities, a Suggestion for Metrics to be Used in Circular Construction Projects, a Narrative for Nordic Baukultur and a Stakeholders Point of View in Advancing Circularity in the Construction Sector.
16.11.2023 Annual Seminar for Circular Construction, Helsinki and online
The traditional annual seminar consisted of presentations depicting the ongoing in circular construction both locally in Finland and in the EU. The themes of the year are material circularity and altering the purpose of buildings. The project was presented by Miisa Tähkänen, Green Building Council Finland and work package 3 wass presented by Tuuli Kassi of Ethica Consulting. The event was held in Finnish and hosted by Green Building Council Finland and the Finnish Ministry Environment. More information is available here.

18.10.2023 Nordic Circular Summit, Online
How can we, stakeholders in the construction sector, facilitate the circularity of our work? What could the Nordic Council of Ministers do to push forward circular construction? In this engaging session, we discussed how stakeholders can actively contribute to the circularity of their work, and how the Nordic Council of Ministers can play a crucial role in advancing circular construction practices. The event was enjoyed by 55 experts from 8 countries.
The workshop included a presentation on the barriers and opportunities for material reuse in construction across the Nordics held by Project Manager Katarzyna Jagodzinska from Green Building Council. After that Stefan Eriksson of Vasakronan gave a presentation on an amazing case example of circular construction in Gothenburg, Sweden. Both presentations are available below.
The event was hosted by Green Building Council Iceland as a part of the Nordic Circular Summit.
11.10.2023 Construction Goes Circular, Lahti
The Construction Goes Circular conference is an annual event hosted by Finnish steel manufacturer Peikko. The Construction Goes Circular conference attracts industry representatives, scientific community, policy makers, and other professionals from Finland and abroad to hear world-class presentations on practical solutions for circular economy in the construction industry. It also facilitates great networking opportunities between participants. Follow this space for more information closer to the event.
The event was hosted by Peikko Group, ISCOWA and Green Building Council Finland.

The Nordic ministers decided in 2018 that harmonization of building regulation should be strengthened. This led to the first Nordic Climate forum for Construction in 2019, which became the starting point of an effort towards Nordic harmonization for low carbon emissions from construction. The climate forum is a yearly event for discussions with policymakers and stakeholders from industry, academia, and the finance sector.
The event is hosted by Green Building Council Finland, Ministry for the Environment Finland and Aalto University. A summary of the event is available here and presentations are available here.

13.9.2023 Joint Nordic event: Nordic Circular Construction and New Nordic Bauhaus
What should the public authorities do to push forward circularity in construction? How could we, as a society, speed up the transition to a climate-neutral society with circular living concepts? If you want to share your thoughts on that, join our joint Nordic event in Helsinki and online on the 13th of September, 13-16 (CET).
The event was hosted by Green Building Council Iceland and the Nordic Culture Point. A summary and all presentations are available here.

1.6.2023 Building a Circular Environment – a WCEF2023 Accelerator Session / Helsinki and Online
As we all have heard, the construction industry uses up to 40% of the raw materials used in the EU. Therefore, involving the industry is paramount in achieving circularity. What is stopping us from achieving fully circular business models? How could the industry be nudged to innovate and build a circular environment? This seminar on material consumption and circularity in the construction and real estate sector provided answers to the concrete issues facing the industry. You may view the material from the seminar here.
This session has been designed to complement the World Circular Economy Forum 2023 main session focused on construction. Our session went deeper and wider than what was possible in the scope of the main sessions.

31.1.2023 Nordic Network for Circular Construction Presents: Launch of the State of the Art Analysis on Nordic Circularity, Online
This event is organized as an official side event for the World Circular Economy Forum. The World Circular Economy Forum brings together over 4,000 business leaders, policymakers and experts from around the world to present the world’s best circular economy solutions. More information and other events are available on the WCEF website.
The project aims to accelerate circular construction in the Nordic countries through collaboration, peer-to-peer learning and common metrics. To facilitate this the project has produced a state of the art analysis to pinpoint where we are in the different Nordic countries. How can we learn from one another? Which innovations can we steal from across the border?
During the event we heard a thorough presentation on the state of circularity in the Nordic construction markets, an analysis of the main barriers and recommendations for facing them. The World Green Building Council provided us with a global perspective and a sneak peak on up-coming projects globally. The audience consisted of around 60 real estate and construction specialists from four continents.
The presentations are available here:
Opening words by Miisa Tähkänen, Green Building Council Finland
Analysis on Barriers and Possibilities, Sabine Barth and David McKinnon, WSP
A Global Perspective on Circularity by Catriona Brady, World Green Building Council
17.1.2023 Circular Build Forum, Copenhagen
In a time when the green transition and sustainability are on everyone’s lips, and where the construction industry is expected to offer future-proof solutions, there are potential competitive advantages to be gained for companies that work innovatively within a circular economy. The Nordic Network for Circular Construction was invited to present their results at one of Denmark’s largest sustainability events.
The event attracted over 260 real estate and construction professionals. The project was presented by David McKinnon of WSP Denmark.

12.10.2022 Construction Goes Circular, Lahti
The Construction Goes Circular conference is hosted by Finnish steel manufacturer Peikko. The event consisted of several international speakers and case examples as well as room for audience participation and questions. It also facilitates networking between industry representatives, scientific community, policy makers, and other professionals. The event was enjoyed by over 160 people and was recorded for future viewing.
The Nordic Network for Circular Construction will presented and initial version of their State of the Art Analysis. The presentation was held by Sabine Barth of WSP Sweden. Sabine presented the research plan, discovered barriers and possibilities as well as recommendations for furthering circularity in the Nordics.

5.10.2022 Saint Gobain Presents: Circularity in Construction – Side event for the Finnbuild Exhibition, Helsinki
The seminar aimed at expediting circularity in the construction sector by sharing best practices form the Nordics as well as concrete examples of circular construction projects in Finland. The Nordic Network for Circular Construction will present their State of the Art Analysis. The analysis was presented by Miisa Tähkänen of Green Building Council Finland. The event attracted just over 30 attendees in person.

8.9.2022 Nordic Climate Forum for Construction, Online
The Nordic ministers decided in 2018 that harmonization of building regulation should be strengthened. This led to the first Nordic Climate forum for Construction in 2019, which became the starting point of an effort towards Nordic harmonization for low carbon emissions from construction. Join us for a discussion about the Nordic approach on reducing the building sector’s climate impact, and external factors that help to shape it.
This year’s Climate Forum 2022 took place in Oslo and was hosted by the Norwegian Direktoratet for Byggkvalitet and moderated by Maria Rydberg from the Swedish Life Cycle Center. The climate forum is a yearly event for discussions with policymakers and stakeholders from industry, academia, and the finance sector. The Nordic Network for Circular Construction was presented by Matti Kuittinen from the Finnish Ministry for the Environment.
A full recording of the event as well as a selection of the materials presented can be found here.
10.6.2022 Reimagining Nordic Living Environments – Side Event for the New European Bauhaus Festival, Brussels hybrid event
The Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland and the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux explored what the New European Bauhaus could mean in the Nordics. Drawing upon the concept of “Baukultur”, a panel of experts considered how architecture and design contribute to a high quality and sustainable built environment.
The panel included Massimo Santanicchia from Iceland University of Arts, Malin Kock Hansen from Design and Architecture Norway, Efe Ogbeide from FEMMA Planning, Carmen Garcia Sanchez from the Royal Danish Academy, Juuso Kokkonen from Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Oscar Norelius from White Arkitekter and Päivi Tahkokallio from Tahkokallio Design+.
The event was enjoyed by thirty persons at Brussels and 50 people online. A recording of the event is available here and a recollection by the organizers here.

9.6.2022 Frontiers of Architecture – Side Event for the New European Bauhaus Festival, Brussels hybrid event
The event invited architects, urban designers, policymakers, influencers and gamechangers and interested citizens to discuss perspectives and conditions in the EU for driving the culture change that will nurture the needed shift towards sustainable and circular construction for a carbon-neutral welfare society.
The event included keynote presentations from Iines Karkulahti from VAPAA Collective, Sinus Lynge from EFFEKT, Maya Faerch from Laudes Foundation and Louise Kjellerup Roper from Volans. The event also included a participatory fishbowl discussion and a possibility to workshop topics related to sustainability in construction. The audience enjoyed performance arts pieces by Samuli Emery, Klaara Haapanen, Henriikka Himma and Kaisa Karvinen.
The event attracted over 60 people in person and a further 60 people online.

19.5.2022 Climate Leadership Coalition Construction Theme Group, Online
The theme group gathers regularly to discuss topical issues to do with climate, circular economy and construction. The theme groups includes members from CLC’s 59 companies as well as research institutes and cities around Finland. Miisa Tähkänen (FIGBC) presented the project and upcoming findings.
12.4.2022 The Effect of the Taxonomy on Circular Construction, Online
The event was arranged for construction sector specialists around the Turku region in cooperation with FIGBC and Turku Business Region. Miisa Tähkänen (FIGBC) presented the project and upcoming findings. The audience consisted of around 50 experts from Southwestern Finland.
10.3.2022 Nordic GBC Webinar #5: Circular Economy in the Real Estate and Construction Sector, Online
In this GBC Nordic webinar was based on the state of circular economy in real estate and construction sector in the Nordic countries and how international cooperation can speed up the shift in the industry. Best practices and examples on implementing the circular principles in practice were also shared and discussed. Lovisa Andersson (WSP) presented her findings from work package 2. The audience consisted of around hundred experts form all five Nordic countries.